The First YUI Grids CSS with WordPress 2014 Teheme

After sometime I did was not involved in writing theme based on YAHOO YUI CSS Grids, primarily due to my theme developer Justin Tadlock with Hybrid Theme stopped updating it, and I need time to find out other theme frameworks. Two days ago, I tried using Default WP Themes, 2014, 2016, and so on, and […]

Hello world! Hello Melanesia! Hello WANTOKS!

This blog is just to tell you that this number:  12:28 and 14:48 was angelic number presented by an angel in my dream, when I was in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea. This angel told me repeatedly, “I repeat again, please remember, 12:48 and 14:48, please write it down.” I woke up and wrote down, […]

The safest place to reside – Dome Homes

By Josepheen Tarianga – Aug 21, 2021, Vanuatu Daily Post Pacific Ocean domes are distinct from other housing structures, 100-millimeter walls and floors and entirely made of concrete to ensure maximum safety. Daryll Kelly shares that the idea for these structures had come to him after Cyclone Pam had devastated Vanuatu. Many people were left […]